For many years, this building – then known as ‘Maybole Charity Shop’ – operated as an essential resource for local community groups to fundraise, with a different group taking the shop each week. Gradually, the building fell further and further into disrepair with flood damage from the flat above, and was at risk of collapse. After structural assessments the shop was forced to close until essential repairs were made. NCCBC saw an opportunity, and purchased the charity shop in 2021, securing funding to match the NCCBC contribution via the Scottish Land Fund and the Regenerational Capital Grants Fund, through the Scottish Government. Thanks go to all of the subsequent funders, and Maybole Regeneration Project, who helped facilitate the complete refurbishment of the shop and the flat above, making it all safe for use again.
After a very long and slow start to the refurbishment of the building, NCCBC are pleased to say that the shop is now fully renovated and ready to come back into community use!
The former committee, now operating the shop in School Vennel, have decided to stay where they are, so NCCBC are establishing a new group to operate this shop in a complementary way!
Our survey told us that this should not operate solely as another charity shop, but as a flexible community space that’s useful for things like exhibitions and workshops as well as retail. Groups will be able to book the shop for a variety of purposes, including fundraising!
We are keen to hear from those who would be interested in joining the new committee and helping this exciting new property develop! The new name, ‘the Gatherings’ is a nod to the buildings history as a haberdashery, and our aspirations that it will return to being a place where both people and things gather together.
The shop will be available to book from Feb 2024 at the rate of £115 per week, including a small subsidy to ensure affordability for community groups; a condition of the shop’s funding.
Please contact with any enquiries or to get involved.