Girlguiding - North Carrick Taster Event!
Girlguiding – Carrick District will be holding a “drop-in” taster evening for Brownies aged 7-10, Guides aged 10-14 and Rangers aged 14-18 on Tuesday 22 March, to give girls in North Carrick a chance to come along and see what we do!
This will be held at Goudie's, 6-10 Whitehall, Maybole from 6.30pm – 8pm.
Girls from North Carrick area are welcome to come along to the drop-in session (accompanied by a parent/guardian). There will be a chance for girls to try some craft activities and get a flavour of what guiding is all about.
We look forward to meeting you there!
If you have any questions regarding the “drop-in” session, then please email:
If you are interested but unable to attend contact:
South Ayrshire Health & Social Care Partnership - Decision Days!
If you would like to find out more about the South Ayrshire Health and Social Care Partnership click here.
What's Maybole to YOU?
NCCBC SURVEY - What’s Maybole to YOU?
Thank you so much to everyone who has told us about how they use Maybole so far!
If you haven’t yet, don’t worry - there’s still time to fill in our quick survey about how you use Maybole.
We are particularly keen to hear from residents of Turnberry, Maidens, Kirkoswald and Dunure – we haven’t had many responses from these areas so far and want to make sure that the data we collect is representative. We are aware that many residents may use Girvan or Ayr’s amenities rather than Maybole, but we want to confirm this and hear more about the reasons why.
Please share the link below with your friends in these areas!
3 Minute Survey:
Massive boost to North Carrick Regeneration!
‘Foundations for Recovery’
NCCBC’s successful application for funding from the UK Government will see £565,000 invested to develop projects in North Carrick to the point where they are ready to be implemented.
South Ayrshire Council received over £12m worth of project proposals and had to whittle that down to a shortlist of projects with a total value of not more than £3 million. NCCBC’s project made it onto the shortlist of five projects put forward by the Council and is one of only two of the shortlisted projects that has been approved by the UK Government.
The money, which includes a £50,000 contribution from North Carrick Community Benefit Company, will be used for an intensive programme to convert community and business aspirations, ideas, and proposals into investment-ready projects. The Government specified that this funding has to be used for revenue and not capital costs. So NCCBC will employ consultants, engineers, architects, and other experts. They will work on a range of projects covering tourism, community assets, and workforce development.
The best thing about this “Foundations for Recovery” programme is that the work that these experts will do will lead directly to further funding applications. Those new applications will be to cover the capital costs of making big improvements in North Carrick. All in all, North Carrick could be in the early stages of a huge positive change. Every community in North Carrick will be involved in Foundations for Recovery in one way or another.
A very exciting time for our area!
Contact your local NCCBC Director or Stuart Lindsay to find out more –
See North Carrick on the map of UK projects here- View Interactive Map!
Gifting Scotland, Supporting Scotland's businesses!
Introducing the Scotland Loves Local Gift Card scheme!
You may have seen some of the Scotland Loves Local campaigns in recent press or tv adverts, or you may have taken part in our very own ‘North Carrick Loves Local’ project! The Scotland Loves Local gift card is part of an overarching campaign to encourage local spending and support local businesses.
The Scottish Government has funded a gift card programme for each local authority area in Scotland for one year, and has funded the production of 5000 gift cards. The gift cards have multiple uses including traditional gifting and as corporate reward initiatives etc.
South Ayrshire Council are encouraging local businesses to register their business to benefit from the opportunity of an additional income stream. This initiative is free to register to accept the gift card! For more information about SAC’s recent work on this, check out their Business Beat Newsletter here.
To register your business to accept the Gift Cards - click here.
Buy a Gift Card now! |
Co-op star retires after 36 years service!
The Team at Maybole's Co-op Food would like to wish their amazing manager, Alastair, a very Happy Retirement! Alistair finished up on Saturday 9th October after 36 years of service to the Co-op, with 10 and a half years spent managing our very own Maybole store!
Thank you Alistair!
Community Wellbeing Hub launches new programme of free wellbeing activities for young people!
New initiative in Maybole, Community Wellbeing Hub, launched their amazing new programme of free activities on Sunday 10th October - which was a fantastic way to celebrate World Mental Health Day!
''Providing a quiet nurturing space to learn, rebalance, focus & protect health & wellbeing. When we started our free sessions for young people in secondary school & their families in August we knew that our CWH would help those who needed it most. The drop in sessions have re started last week and will run every Thursday 8.00-845pm until the 6 week block begins on the 21st October with slightly longer sessions of 8-9.30pm. Our 6 weekly block will run throughout the year focussing meditations, relaxation, art & sound therapy, holistic treatments to help improve mental health & wellbeing.''
The sessions start from 21st October are are based within Ayrshire Healing Centre, Maybole - to find out more contact Anya or Ruth on
7th Ayrshire Scouting – Ready for new members and leaders!
Scouting is back in Maybole, and they are on the lookout for new members and leaders!
Maybole Beavers and Cubs are welcoming new members ages 6 - 8 years, and 8 - 10½ years for their packs!
Maybole Scout Troop is also looking to restart, and they are encouraging people to get in touch if they are aged 10.5-14 and are up for new challenges, and lots of adventures!
Beavers – 6-8 years
Cubs – 8 – 10.5 years
Scouts 10.5 – 14 years
‘’Scouting gives young people aged between 6 and 25 years old the opportunity to discover just what they can do and what they can achieve. From spending their first night away from home to planning an international expedition, the unique experiences Scouts of all ages enjoy help them to realise their full potential and set them up with skills for life.’’
The North Carrick community would like to say a huge thank you to Jackie and Len who will soon be retiring from their volunteering duties after an amazing contribution to scouting during their time as leaders!
Len was a cub and a scout himself and has dedicated over 35 years’ service, and Jackie joined the committee, and the rest was history – 33 years ago! A huge thanks to both for their service to local young people.
Volunteering Opportunities!
7th Ayrshire have a new leader who is currently in training, but they need more to help the unit grow and thrive! It has never been easier to get involved, and the training process is so easy now with so many resources available online!
Why not find out more? -
Check out Facebook group – ‘MAYBOLE SCOUT GROUP, 7th Ayrshire’
Iona Barrie (Beavers and Cubs Leaders) – 07909 124 220 –
Jackie and Len Boughen – 07712 257 960
NCCBC Youth Strategy!

New signage has arrived!
The Biosphere team, alongside Ayrshire Roads Alliance and South Ayrshire Council have recently designed and installed new signs to promote the Galloway and Southern Ayrshire UNESCO Biosphere in the villages that are part of it! You can find out more about the new signage here:
'Biosphere' recognises areas with notable landscapes, wildlife, culture and heritage and South Ayrshire has been internationally recognised through the scheme!
'Galloway and Southern Ayrshire UNESCO Biosphere has been recognised internationally as a world class environment for people and nature.'
The area was awarded the title in 2012 in recognition of the landscapes, wildlife, culture and heritage that make South West Scotland so special.

To find out more about the Biosphere and the benefits of being a part of it, check out their website: