FROM HERE TO SUSTAINABILITY - Sessions for Community Groups and Local Businesses

Maybole Footgolf - the fast growing community sport!
Maybole Footgolf Club!
Recently founded this year, Maybole Footgolf club play at Maybole Golf Course and the club is growing from strength to strength!
Footgolf is a rapidly growing sport and is open to everyone of all ages. At the moment the club in Maybole has players registered from under 16 to over 55! The club plays in the West of Scotland league which includes teams from as far afield as Glasgow, Kilmarnock and Moffat.
”In order to help fund the purchase of club kit and accessories we are looking for local sponsorship. Any businesses or individuals who might be willing to help our club continue to grow would be more than welcome. If you are interested in either sponsoring or getting involved in the playing side our our community club, then please email Daryl Grover on


Updates on exciting work happening in North Carrick
Come along and find out how things have progressed, ask questions and speak to the consultants and architects working on the projects within Foundations for Recovery!
Maybole Community Council presents ‘Scrolls of Appreciation’ - 28th June 202
Due to the winds and forecast bad weather for this afternoon I have arranged access to the Church at Straiton!
We are touring the area to give all the North Carrick communities a chance to see and give ideas on the major projects proposed for the area! Come along to see architectural drawings, plans and proposals, speak to our consultants and ask questions! We will be in each location for a couple of hours - please pop by and say hello! We will also have the content available to view here soon!
Kirkmichael– 31st May @ Bolestyle Crescent 2.30pm, then McCosh Hall from 5pm
Minishant & Kirkoswald– 1st June - POSTPONED
Maidens– 2nd June @ Harbour Car Park 2.30pm
Dunure– 2nd June @ Kennedy Park – from 5pm
Crosshill– 7th June @ Milton Street 2.30pm then King Street
Maybole– 9th June @ Carrick Academy at Lunch, then Abbot Street from 2.30pm
Straiton– 10th June @ Straiton Trails Car Park from 3pm
Maybole Regeneration kicking up a gear!
Maybole Regeneration Project Updates!
The Maybole Regeneration Project is beginning to pick up momentum with the Town Hall refurbishment scheme to start just after the local elections in early May, the Charity Shop being out to tender and a new grant scheme for shop front improvements set to start in April 22nd. The town centre will soon be very busy with works. The Maybole Active Travel High Street Scheme , subject to funders approval for summer 2022 tender with works planning to start towards end of summer. We will be working with businesses to minimise disruption during the construction phase which will be up to 14 months. The scheme to bring Maybole Castle back into use is also looking to start in the summer and with the bypass now open schemes on the High Street can now accelerate. Our Activities and Training programme continues to grow with over 350 people having been engaged in various projects and further training offered to local contractors – see below for more information. We hope to finally open our project office by Spring making the team will be available to meet and discuss the project and its programmes. Please do visit our Facebook and Twitter pages for up to date news on progress.
Small Grants Scheme
The small grant scheme continues to progress with many of our overall building and shopfront schemes now in development. Our small grants scheme has also now been complimented by the Ambition Shopfront Scheme which has supported 11 business owners in making improvements to their premises such as repairs, decoration and signage.
We hope that another round of this funding is available again next year to build on the improvements that business owners have been able to make to their premises.
Activities and Training Programme
With life getting back to some semblance of normality- the Activities Programme has suddenly taken a leap forward. It is going to be a very busy time ahead, with lots of projects going live over the year! Recently, we have had lots of activities with schools and an increasing online presence, including our evening talks. We are really looking forward to hosting some great fun events that everyone can enjoy in venues all over town such as Goudies, The Carrick Centre, The Library, Town Hall and St Oswald's Church as well as our lovely outdoor spaces.
Heritage Day
Date for your diary Saturday 14th May 2022 11am-2pm at the Glebe Park!
See Robert the Bruce amass his Troops for battle- live performance by History Matters - Lots of stalls and free activities!
Maybole Coat of Arms
The team were very pleased to be presented with this regal cast of Maybole’s Coat of Arms from Simon Glendenning of Carrick History Society. The beautiful piece was kindly donated by Maybole Historical Society. It will be restored and incorporated into the restoration of Maybole Town Hall.
Christmas Card Competition
All nine North Carrick Primary Schools participated in a Christmas Card design contest where young people had to design a card based on a Town Scape. The team were blown away by the talent from all schools. The winning card was used in real life by the project and was designed by Kayley from Minishant Primary School. The cards were all displayed in the windows of the former Charity Shop in the High Street.
Scavenger Hunt
Please see Family Scavenger Hunt on What's On Page This was created to support Mental Health Week and was run as an activity at North Carrick Schools. The competition will remain open until the 19th April with the chance to win a family ticket to Heads of Ayr Farm Park and anyone can take part.
Evening Talks
Throughout the cold winter months, we have been running a series of online evening talks on Heritage and local History by our friends Denis Reid and History Matters. Watch out on our Social Media Pages for our Spring Programme.
Mapping and Recording Partnership Project
Working in Partnership with the newly formed Carrick History Society, we are running a research project looking at how transport links (such as the railway and A77) have changed and shaped the growth and development of Maybole. This will form an exhibition at Maybole Library.
Contractors Training
We are running a course on Rendering and Harling with Lime at the Scottish Lime Centre on 3rd and 4th May aimed at local contractors. We have prepared a full training guide for 2022 which can be found on our website or email to discuss training.
Artist in Residence
Project Artist, Cate Ross, has been establishing workshops in different locations in Maybole. There is a Creative Community Art Session on the last Wednesday of each month in Maybole library from next month there will also be an evening session in St Oswald’s Church.. To book a space email Cate has also been working with groups in the North Carrick Schools, Groups with Additional Support Needs, Family Groups and Secondary School groups. Any community groups wishing Cate’s input should send a very brief proposal to Coral (email address above).

Get in Touch!
You can get in touch by, phone, email or social media!
Tel; 01292 559031